University of Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB) be one of the host NUSANTARA THEATRE FRIENDS MEETING, TemuTeater Forum Nusantara is a combined / collection of all college theater in Indonesia. Berlangsungselama 7 event today (21Oktobers / d October 27, 2013) was opened by the Medan city Artists Dervish Hasibuan in Medan Cultural Park. The event is coordinated by Ulul Azmi as operations coordinator, Bobby Purwadi as documentation, Imam RamadhanLubis, M. TaufikHidayat, NurHasanNasution, YogieFebrian, Alby Hariri Rambedan Ade YoanAsrisebagai Guide, while Muhammad Iqbal Jamil served as coordinator Sharing. The purpose of this activity is to establish friendship relations between members of the theater throughout Indonesia, tempatsaling sharing ranggota anta theater, danajang to introduce culture in Medan.
Acaraini followed by 30 theater groups who are members of various universities in Indonesia such as the Student Theatre tegabungdari STAIN Purwokerto Purwokerto Purwokerto & Sudirman University, Theatre Sate Padang incorporated from Andalas University, Dharma of Economics Andalas, STKIP PGRI West Sumatra and West Sumatra and still IAIN much more.
Activities followed by 219 participants this very lively, lots of art activities in the show, and also carried on workshops on campus - a campus that is in the fray. Budi satunyaUniversitaspembangunanPanca wrong. Workshop which was held on October 22, 2013 yesterday presented the theme "MenulisNaskah Drama" which conveyed By M. RaudahJambak. One of the participants admitted very pleased to be able to visit the University of Development Panca Budi, beautiful place, clean and Cool.
SuksesUntuk set Kids Arts & Theatre (KUAST) UNPAB and also the steering committee "TemuTeman". Introduce the beauty of the city of Medan on their culture.
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