Panca Budi Socialization Participate In Government Regulation No. 46 Year 2013
Directorate General of Taxation held a socialization which is followed by Field Entrepreneurs of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) as well as some students from the University Development Panca Budi Medan.
As discussed in this socialization is Government Regulation No. 46 Year 2013 on Income Tax on income from a business or Obtained Received Taxpayers Who Have Specific Distribution of Gross. In Socialization that starts from 09.30 pm until 12:30 pm The other described the Basic Law on Income Tax, Interest Income on Tax Policies That Have Certain Gross Distribution, And the Principles of the provisions of the PP. 46 and PMK, which is conveyed by Budi "Anshary Nasution" As Head of Guidance Counseling and followed by the second informant that "Emri Mora Singarimbun" as Head of Public Relations to discuss the National Tax Census (NES) in 2013. Socialization which is held in the Great Hall which coincides Rasa Sayang Medan on Tuesday, 22 November 2013 aims to members perpajakann simplifying rules, educate the public administration discipline, educate society to transparency, providing kesemptana society to contribute in the administration of the State. Of course, this socialization getting very high enthusiasm of the participants, proved to many questions, suggestions and critique them.
Indra treasure Tarin as Head of Regional Office of North Sumatra DJP I told "Please do not hide the employers to pay their business taxes, and let us solve problems our beloved country together to pay taxes in accordance with the provisions that have been in charge".
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