Training of Writing Student Creativity Program (PKM) 2013
University of Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB) conduct training of the Higher Education Student Creativity Writing Program (CRP) in 2013, which is divided into 5 categories: PKMK (Entrepreneurship), PKMM (Community Services), PKMP (Research), PKMT (Technology), & PKMC ( Karsa Cipta). The training was held on October 3 at Adian Coordinator by Mr. Judge as the Head of Student and mother Hanifa Mutia, ZNA, M.Si as presenters conveyed is the introduction of PKM, PKM Penejelasan in perlombakan field, as well as the standard unit for writing papers PKM . Training starts from 14.30 pm till 16.00 pm held in the building M. 103, and followed by 7 students from the Faculty of Engineering, 22 students from the Faculty of Agriculture, 8 students from the Faculty of Law, 14 students from the Faculty of Economics, and 3 people from the Faculty of Philosophy.
Collection proposal in the form of soft coppy who have completed no later than October 28, 2013 in the Student Affairs area. And the announcement of the winner of this CRP will be announced online at http://simtabmas.digti.go.id in January 2014. Prizes received by the winner will be in the form of a grant to implement the program of Higher Education.
Mr. Adian Judge instructing students who have attended training this PKM diligently to add more interest to write in order to increase knowledge and insights and read so that no one in the standardization of writing papers PKM, and send as much and as good as possible in order to have much chance of winning ".
For more info please visit the website http://simtabmas.digti.go.id or Higher Education website at http :/ / dikti.go.id. All students Panca Budi can follow this with a PKM directly soliciting proposals that have been written in the room Affairs Bureau.
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