
UNPAB provide assistance to victims of Mount Sinabung.

Rector of the Pembangunan Panca Budi University, H. Muhammad Isa Indrawan, SE, MM, off the team for victim assistance Sinabung volcano located on high ground karo, karo regency, North Sumatra. University development assistance provided in the form of five farming materials groceries. Unpab Rector instructs that this aid directly channeled to the victims in refugee camps and aid channeled Rector hopes it can ease the burden of the victims Sinabung mountain erupted.

Disaster relief team which is led by Anwar Hasrul Hasibuan as Rector of the University Development of student leaving Panca Budi Medan at 10.10 pm, which consists of several students who are members of the Corps of nature lovers and students of environmental studies and a facilitator of student advisory center (SAC ) UNPAB.

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